Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer: Is It A Good Choice For Your Leafy Green Vegetable Garden

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Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer: Is It A Good Choice For Your Leafy Green Vegetable Garden

Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer: Is It A Good Choice For Your Leafy Green Vegetable Garden

23 March 2016
, Blog

If your leafy green vegetable garden isn't as healthy and thriving as you wish it to be, consider using organic nitrogen fertilizer in your garden's soil. Although kale, collard greens and other leafy green vegetables offer numerous nutritional benefits to your family, the vegetables may not reach their full potential if they lack sufficient nutrients in their soil. Organic fertilizer with nitrogen may be a good choice for your garden because it provides vegetables and fruits with the fuel they need to grow without using harmful chemicals. Here's what you should know about organic nitrogen fertilizer and how to use it in your leafy green vegetable garden.

What Is Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer?

Organic, or natural, nitrogen fertilizer comes from all natural sources, such as worms, cow manure and dead plants. Natural ingredients generally break down slowly to nourish plants, which gives your vegetables time to absorb the nutrients properly. 

Natural nitrogen fertilizer is also a safer alternative to synthetic nitrogen fertilizer, which may cause problems with the environment if it leaches into rivers and other natural places. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizer releases harmful chemicals that can cause the growth of algae. Excessive algae growth may help deplete the oxygen levels in some bodies of water and in the air. Organic fertilizer doesn't encourage the growth of algae, nor does it affect the environment once you introduce it to your soil.

How Do You Choose and Use Your Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer?

When you shop for organic nitrogen fertilizer, be sure to examine the ingredients listed on the packaging before you purchase it. The list of ingredients should have the byproducts of plants, animals and manure instead of synthetic ammonia and urea. One of the things you might do is asks an organic fertilizer supplier for a list of products and the ingredients they come with before making a final purchase.

Also, be sure to read the instructions on your fertilizer's packaging completely. Because some organic fertilizers tend to be very strong, you may only need to use a small amount in your garden to achieve the results you desire. In addition, applying too much natural and synthetic nitrogen to soil can actually harm plants and other life instead of help them. If you're unclear as to how much fertilizer to use, consult with an organic fertilizer supplier for assistance.

Keeping your leafy green vegetable garden healthy begins with the right organic fertilizer. For more information and tips, contact an organic supplier today, such as Nature Safe

About Me
Keeping Your Garden Healthy

After dealing with years of a non-productive garden, I started thinking about ways to improve my crop production. I was spending hours every single week tending to those plants, but they just weren't producing like they should. While my neighbors enjoyed fun canning parties and fresh garden veggies, I was left with damaged produce and trips to the grocery store produce department. This blog is here for all of those novice gardeners who have had a difficult time keeping their gardens healthy and productive. Read more here about agricultural techniques and tricks that might help your garden to grow gorgeous produce.
