Keeping Your Garden Healthy

Are you trying to start a garden but are having trouble getting things growing? Learn tips for creating a healthy and productive garden.

Keeping Your Garden Healthy

Organic Nitrogen Fertilizer: Is It A Good Choice For Your Leafy Green Vegetable Garden

23 March 2016
, Blog

If your leafy green vegetable garden isn't as healthy and thriving as you wish it to be, consider using organic nitrogen fertilizer in your garden's soil. Although kale, collard greens and other leafy green vegetables offer numerous nutritional benefits to your family, the vegetables may not reach their full potential if they lack sufficient nutrients in their soil. Organic fertilizer with nitrogen may be a good choice for your garden because it provides vegetables and fruits with the fuel they need to grow without using harmful chemicals.
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Designs For Your Backyard Water Fountain

21 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you're looking to install a backyard water fountain, then take the opportunity to determine what design you want. The great thing about designing a fountain is that you don't have to work with the natural flow of water. The water will recirculate through a pump that is powered either by a battery, or by a hardwired electrical cord. Here are some different designs to consider. Tiered Stand Of River Rocks
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A New Strain Of Drought-Resistant St. Augustine Grass Offers Hope For Parched Landscapes

6 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

While St. Augustine grass is soft and plush, it has long been known to be an extremely thirsty grass. Now a new strain, DALSA 0605, has been developed that gives hope to those in drought-stricken areas that love St. Augustine's positive qualities. About DALSA 0605 The DALSA 0605 strain was developed by researchers at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas. After nearly a decade of work, the strain was developed by crossing the Raleigh and Floratam strains of St.
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A Basic Guide To Watering Young Trees

14 September 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently planted trees in your yard, it is important that they get the right amount of water. Young trees need a lot of water to grow; however, they don't need to be watered in the same way that flowers and garden plants do. Here is a quick guide to watering young trees.     Watering & Planting Right after you plant a young tree, or any tree for that matter, you should water it immediately.
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About Me
Keeping Your Garden Healthy

After dealing with years of a non-productive garden, I started thinking about ways to improve my crop production. I was spending hours every single week tending to those plants, but they just weren't producing like they should. While my neighbors enjoyed fun canning parties and fresh garden veggies, I was left with damaged produce and trips to the grocery store produce department. This blog is here for all of those novice gardeners who have had a difficult time keeping their gardens healthy and productive. Read more here about agricultural techniques and tricks that might help your garden to grow gorgeous produce.
